Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas with the Roberts 2013.

This is our first married Christmas! Can you believe it? We've been married 3 months as of 12/21/2013. Lots has happened....

I've tried many new dishes, including peppermint dip (I'll include the recipe for you all!). We've also tried many different chili recipes and other crock pot extravaganza's. I'm actually on the hunt for some corck pot freezer meals and would love if you shared some of your favorites. I'm planning on starting to coupon again, and building a stockpile is my number one New Years resolution this year.

Due to the busyness of this holiday, we haven't had the time to send out all of our Christmas cards. I wrote out a good majority of them, but hand making them, during one of the busiest times of the year, was a challenge I wasn't ready to embark on. I wasn't as into Christmas this year as I have been in the past years. Partially because we don't have our own place yet, and partially because we just got done planning one of the biggest days of our lives and we didn't have the energy or the time to make it super special. Greg's parents also aren't around this holiday as his youngest brother got a MAKE A WISH to FL for the holidays! We're so excited for him. I am however excited for the New Year, and to send out our many thank you cards we're getting printed the day after Christmas :) If you attended our wedding, sent a gift or helped in any way - please keep an eye on your mailbox! They shall be arriving around the end of JAN 2014.

Here's a look at this years Christmas card:

Our plans this Christmas? We typically spend Christmas EVE with my dads side of the family, however this Christmas we're just spending it with my dad, stepmom and siblings. It'll be nice. Greg has to work until NOON, but after that we'll head out to my dads for a good meal and family time. Christmas day - that's a day we're spending with my MOM, sisters and Grandmother. It'll be filled with laughs, food and fun times. I'd love to share with you what I got everyone, but I can't YET - as they'll see this posting.

I've been off work since Friday. I've got lots of cleaning, wrapping and cooking to do. I'm glad for this mini break - as it's almost as good as the mini vacation I wish I was embarking on, lol. It also makes the FOOT of snow we got a bit easier to handle ;)

We wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
xox the Roberts

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