Friday, April 18, 2014

Steals, deals and home decor


It's good Friday! What better day to share our news of purchasing a new couch and rug than to do it on a FIVE ON FRIDAY, GOOD FRIDAY day?! There isn't a better day!

My husband and I have been searching high and low for a couch that we absolutely loved but also for the right price. We couldn't find one with a chaise that wasn't in a dark chocolate color. As most of you know we've got a husky/lab mix that's a white/cream color with some red in his fur. Any couch that wasn't a perfect cream wouldn't work with our decor or it'd show too much of his hair for our liking. Huskies shed 4 times a year and when they shed - it's their entire coat. We vacuum 2-3 times daily most weeks in order to keep up on it.

Well.... we found the perfect couch! Where?! ASHLEY FURNITURE!!! They're hosting a 25% off sale this weekend so we saved over $400 on this beauty! I've heard both negative and good reviews from there, but we decided to take the plunge and give it a shot. We loved the lady we worked with and she was extremely helpful without being pushy. It should be delivered a week from tomorrow. It's a perfect cream color and it happens to allow us to keep our current decor, have more seating and not show as much of our dogs hair.

Are you ready to see it?! We aren't getting it delivered until a week from tomorrow so you're going to have to deal with a store picture until that time... but you better believe it'll be in the apartment reveal as soon as I can possibly get everything put together.

Here's the stock picture! I'm in LOVE. I can't wait to see it in OUR space!!

The rug?! I scored a $150 Nate Burkes rug from target for $22! Can you feel my excitement?!!! I can't wait to share a picture of our actual rug on our apartment revealwhen we get our new couch! Here's a picture of the rug, however ours has a blue/teal weave through it. Apparently there were only 40 made in our style! EVEN COOLER!!!! I feel this savings calls for a giveaway! I'm going to be posting one this weekend for a $20 Target giftcard and possibly something from my sisters shop ;)! Check back for more details.

I also used my cartwheel app to save 50% off a bed in a bag set for our bedroom. I'm in love with Chevron and it's the perfect teal blue color to match our sheets and the golden yellow accents in our bedroom. I'm keeping this item a secret until our reveal.

& AS PROMISED here's my 5 on FRIDAY -
1) New couch pictures coming in a few hours
2) ITS SPRING BREAK! What's better than that?! Nothing!...Oh wait, it's better with sunshine and above freezing temperatures... and we're blessed with that, too!
3) KARMA WATER! Have you tried it? I'm in love and completely addicted to it. It's a water that offers vitamins in the cap. You peal of the seal, push in the crushed vitamins and drink it. Try it! You'll love it.
4) Easter Sunday! We're so excited to celebrate with loved ones. I pray none of you forget the actual reason for the season. I was raised, as was Greg, to know it's about Jesus and not a fake bunny that gives you gifts.
5) My new rug picture coming soon! I'm so obsessed with the Nate Burkus line and if you haven't checked it out yet --- you're surely missing out! It's amazing quality and cute decor for your home or apartment!

xox I'm off to enjoy this beautiful weather before we paint the apartment this evening. I love painting.
- the Roberts


  1. How exciting!! Finding the perfect couch can be such a huge overwhelming process, especially when you have pets. I can't wait to see how it looks once you actually get it!

    1. I was crazy excited when we finalized the purchase and my husband thinks I'm crazy because i've got a countdown to the second it gets delivered. I'm obsessed with home decor and I've been waiting to do an apartment tour so I'm thrilled that it's coming this weekend!!! :D Thank you for your comment, love! <33333

  2. That is a great couch! I can't even tell you how in love with my couch I am!! It's so important to love your couch since you spend so much time on it lol! Karma water sounds really interesting - I'll have to look into that!

    1. I love that your comment highlighted my two favorite things from this posting. I am thrilled to get our new couch! You'll have to let me know what you think of the Karma water. I'm officially obsessed!!! <333
