DUN DUN DUN... onto images of our actual living room. Here's our reveal:
This is the basic layout of our living room from left to right, while standing in the kitchen. We were going to paint the wall with the window on it, too, however we decided that'd be a bit much for the small room. Our apartment offers a bay window with wooden ledge in each unit rather than a patio or balcony. We love this, because it allows a lot of light into the apartment, but also the freedom to close the blinds if we're not in the mood for daylight at that given moment. There is a horrible glare on the TV if we leave the window open, due to them being directly across from each other. Disclaimer: I didn't pose Juno in any of these images. He seems to hate having his picture taken when I want to take, but loves to photo bomb shots I don't want him to be in - thanks Jubuggy.
Upper left hand corner: This image is my absolute favorite! It gives you an idea of the wall color we choose, along with a bunch of items that have tons and tons of meaning to us. The upper left hand corner was a gift from my grandmother the day before our wedding. It reads "Greg & Kristin 09-21-13". She captured my heart with this piece as it's extremely vintage and it has the golden metal as words. The upper right hand corner was a piece I had purchased online from a crafter, and had a lady at church redo the writing. It speaks a lot about who we are and how we put all of our trust into Jesus. Bottom left: This is my main inspiration for this entire room. This is from our collection of engagement images from Danah Zoulek photography. We shot them at Old Falls Village in my hometown which is a country western restored park that allows children to see what the olden days were about, & last but surely not least - our last name on a wooden plaque with gold nails and yellow yarn. OBSESSED! Not only does it have my three favorite materials but its original to us and our marriage. This is the main focal point when walking into our apartment.
Upper right hand corner: The table that has the beautiful decorations is being replaced with the table I posted at the beginning of this entry. The tulips are a gift from Greg on Easter, the golden candle (Micheal's) in the hurricane vase (Signature Homestyles) is our unity candle from out wedding. The white stand (Hobby Lobby) holding the large white melted fake candle (gift from our wedding) was also used as a part of our unity candle. The Owl that is a part of our entertainment stand was purchased from Micheal's, too. I had two [one big and one small] but gifted the other to my mother for helping with out move this past March. She loved it, as do I.
Bottom row: The brown boxes will be stacked next to the side table [beginning of entry] when we get it and the owl and lamp will make it's way on top. The owl I got as a gift for our wedding, and the boxes I bought for $1/box at Michael's craft store. They hold our wedding keepsakes and photos we printed and don't want to forget. I absolutely love pulling them out during long days and going through each of them to relive memories of our marriage and engagement. I plan to get a new box for every single year. The lamp is from target and can hold anything in the bottom. I chose to place these small wooden balls in them because we have yet to go on vacation to a beach where we can collect sand and seashells. We'll replace the wooden balls when we make it to a beach. This lamp was $34 at Target, but $29 with my cartwheel app. The rug that's in the middle underneath the table is a $150 Nate Burkus rug that I scored on clearance for $22.00 one busy afternoon at Target. My bestie and I made a trip to goodwill later that day and saw another one on their floor as a Target reject for $75! I think I got mighty lucky when I scored this baby for our living room.

This is the cabinet that holds our 20 gallon fish tank compliments of our best friends Nicole & Jason. We got the cabinet at Target and it's been sturdy enough to hold the fish tank and showcase our belongings on the bottom. The white basket behind the Showboat picture is holding a ton of fish food, fish receipts and fish tank cleaner ;) - and the Showboat thingy has a picture from our honeymoon inside of it. The awesome yarn rhino is from Target and was a gift from our wedding. He stands on top of all of our diploma's as a symbol to me that you can defeat anything, school and tuition payments included. The bottom shelf showcases an owl I scored for $3 at Bath and Body works, a vessel holding sand and sells from our honeymoon and a wooden sign that I bought of groopdealz.com shortly before our wedding. I love the saying "have a thankful heart".
There is also a close up of the owl with this grouping of pictures that sits in our TV stand. If you can't already tell by this post that my favorite colors happen to be yellow and real and I've got an obsession with owls, then you need to get your head checked, haha.
We love our living room and feel it discribes and fits us perfectly at this point in our lives. It will grow with us and it will surely allow for changes as we add members to our family and change with the seasons. I can't wait to see it decorated for fall or Christmas, but my husband is quick to remind me to have a thankful heart and not get ahead of myself in wishing away time we have today.
We'd like to take a minute to thank the many people who have taken time our of their day to help with decorating, moving and cleaning our apartment over the last two months. Our move wouldn't have been possible without you. I'd also like to thank the many people that supported us in our marriage and on our wedding day. We love you and are blessed daily by each and everyone on of you. Please check back soon to see more awesome apartment reveals. Enjoy your rainy Tuesday friends! We'll be posting our bedroom reveal on Thursday and our bathroom and kitchen reveal on for Five on Friday!
I'll give you a hint as what to expect....
teal, lots more teal :P .
xox the Roberts